
Impact Of Caroline Chisholm

Decent Essays

The impact of the movement of peoples to Australia is evident in an examination of the life of Caroline Chisholm. She was born on the 30th of May 1808, in Northampton, England and was one of sixteen children. She was brought up as a Christian girl in the tradition of Evangelical philanthropy meaning she continued in life doing a lot of charitable work and was an extremely progressive 19th century humanitarian philanthropist. Her major passion in life was to promote immigration to Australia and particularly look after single, unsupported women arriving on the shores of Australia.
Caroline Chisholm, along with her husband, Captain Archibald and their children, were granted a two-year leave due to her husband’s ill health after being in India and rather than returning to England they thought Australia’s climate would benefit him more. So, in September 1838 they arrived in the Emerald Isle, Sydney.

Chisholm’s work as philanthropist didn't start when she moved to Sydney, Australia. It was actually in June 1833 when she joined her husband who was serving in the army in Madras, India. She became aware of the poor daughters who were picking up bad behaviours after being around the soldiers. So, in June 1834 Caroline founded the Female School of Industry for the Daughters of European Soldiers. This provided a practical education for the girls, which included; instruction in reading, writing, religion, cooking, housekeeping and …show more content…

In the letter, she wrote to Lord Earl Grey she also requests that annual rates of the peoples be improved from 7 pounds to 10 pounds per head. She then continues to request that; every adult labourer, - indeed of all above fourteen years of age, may be taken to the rate of 4 pounds and 7 shillings. Chisholm pushed for the best for the people of Australia’s growing

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