
Immunization Study Pros And Cons

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I believe that the Immunization study led to the most harm. The Stanford Prison Study wasn’t a great demonstration of ethics, but mostly its effects were showing that ethics can be easily tossed out the window and displayed that people put into unique and stressful situations can behave in ways they would never normally behave. The Immunization study, on the other hand, has created this backlash of people that refuse to accept that the research was debunked and are refusing to vaccinate their children. This is resulting in outbreaks of deadly diseases that have already been cured. It is still actively causing harm to children everywhere. According to Rao and Andrade (2011), “Measles outbreaks in the UK in 2008 and 2009 as well as pockets of …show more content…

When you are a group of people who can create world-wide panic with your studies you have an obligation to be honest and ethical. Anyone that chooses to do scientific studies as their life’s work need to make sure they understand their obligation to their peers and to the people that use their research to help lead better lives every day. The media could have also helped to minimize the damage done by this study by making the retraction a much larger, more noticeable piece, and by avoiding sensationalism. So many news outlets just want to print big flashy headlines that make people want to click on their story or buy their media. They also need to remember that they have a responsibility to report the news with integrity, and when they make a mistake they need to acknowledge it in a way that people will actually notice. The public has its own responsibility to stay as educated as possible, and that alone could have helped to minimize the harm caused by this. Any time a claim that has that much of an effect on the general population is made, it is the responsibility of the general population to make sure that they are sharing up to date and correct information. We can combat ignorance with

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