
Immigration Vs Illegal Immigration Essay

Decent Essays

Immigration is an important topic which is often viewed solely as illegal immigration, a topic of much debate. Americans as a whole are divided on how the government should treat illegal immigrants, and with emotions running so high, the debates of ten get to no conclusion.
The difference between immigration and illegal immigration is the process of naturalization. Immigrants must be at least 18 years old, and be a legal, permanent U.S. Resident for at least five years (or three if married to a U.S. Citizen for three years) (all part of the first step in addition to application and fee). They must then pay for fingerprints. In addition, an immigrant must be of good moral character, able to use the English language (through speech, writing, and reading), and be able to answer questions about U.S. government and history (the third step also includes an interview and questions about their personal background). …show more content…

Naturalization usually shows that this immigrant should be able to be integrated into American society, however, the same cannot be said about illegal immigrants. Some people believe that they sometimes halt the progress of this country and take too much for what they do (or don’t) put back into the country. This often causes disagreements that have gone up to the Supreme Court for decisions.

The regions in the United States that have the most population increase due to immigration are the areas that have the greatest concerns over immigration policy. By name, Florida, California, Texas, and Arizona have the highest (and most controversial) immigration policies. Arizona’s SB 1070 and Florida’s wet foot, dry foot policy are often hotly debated due to the influx of immigrants from Mexico and Cuba, respectively. The southern and western border/coast of the country are often targeted for their weak defenses against illegal

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