
Immigration, Deportation, And Family Separation By Vanessa Cecna

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Are human beings considered illegal? If so, what makes a person illegal? Is it because of their race, gender, social status, sexual orientation, beliefs, etc. Or is it because they come to a place with hope of a better future despite that they aren't allowed too. By this, I'm talking about the issue of illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is the problem concerning people who illegally immigrate into the U.S. Specifically, people from areas like Central America, including Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. They usually leave behind their families in order to complete this journey and that can have dire consequences. It is my strongest opinion that there needs to be more awareness raised on the issue of separations occurring between families …show more content…

Its important to know about this because illegal immigration and deportations not only affects the families but also others as well. An article titled, 'Immigration, Deportation, and Family Separation, written by Vanessa Cecna, states that, "Deportations cause economic hardship, emotional distress, and family separation. They leave children in foster care and create a large number of struggling mothers trying to make ends meet." San Diego Free Press. Family separations have already been established that they occur to deportation, but emotional/mental trauma, economic hardships like loss of money or home, and parentless children are what happens to many families when usually the parents are deported. Though this situation is dreadful, deportation isn't the only thing affecting people. When parents, the article, 'The Heartache of an Immigrant Family," by Sonia Nazario also states two things which are, "They (the separated children) feel abandoned, and disproportionately join gangs or get pregnant, searching for the love they feel they missed." The other thing is, "The United States is spending billions on walls that don’t really keep migrants out (a University of California, San Diego, study showed that 97 percent of migrants who want to cross the border eventually get through), and on locking up and deporting people, many …show more content…

By solving the problem, Im not talking about by shutting down the border, building a wall, or having dire consequences for those who have illegally immigrated and striking fear in others. I'm proposing and believe that the way we solve the problem is by improving the economies and changing the conditions for those who live in countries like Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador, etc. The book Enrique's Journey, by Sonia Nazario, states that, "In the United States, many immigration experts have concluded that the only effective strategy for change is to improve the economies of immigrant-sending countries, so people will not want or need to leave." On pages 241 and

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