
Immigration And Diversity In Schools

Decent Essays

Immigration had the greatest impact on schools in America because without an influx of people coming to the United States we would not know about diversity in schools. Immigration helped our schools become more diverse with having different races and colors go to school together, which then led to changing the way students were being taught and with more students going to school it opened the communities to urbanization. Therefore, if there was less immigration most schools would have stayed predominantly white males. Then many of those immigrants would not have gotten some sort of education which would make many of them illiterate and not know what is happening around them. A take away that occurs when there are immigrants is that they make schools more diverse and deals with the real world about what it is. A melting pot of different people who come in from around the world looking for a better life for their children and the American dream. Diversity from immigration changed schools because the U.S wanted to Americanize those coming in and the Native American people. They made schools for Hispanics, Blacks, and Native Americans that taught them how to be an “American” and create a school where everyone could meet this standard.
Native Americans were one of those people who were forced to change their values and beliefs and dress like an American and children were taken away from their homes to reach this ideal American standard. This Americanization opened doors

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