
Immigration Act Of 1924 Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

07 March 2024 Immigration Act of 1924 In the early 1900s millions of people migrated to the United States. The immigrants traveled from different parts of the world like from Europe, Asia, and other continents. Immigration was much more accessible and convenient to immigrants until after World War One ended in 1918. The Immigration Act was imposed for safety precautions due to the war and it’s outcome. The Immigration Act of 1924 is an act that limited the acceptance of immigrants within the United States. To explain further, Document A clearly states that Under the act of 1924, the number of each nationality who may be admitted annually is limited. Some other causes of this bill are overpopulation, nativism, & fear. Overpopulation When it …show more content…

According to document B, this graph clearly specifies and projects that before the war immigration rates in 1910 were very very high but then dropped by the time the war ended in 1920. Nativism Secondly, immigration limits were set in 1924 due to how immigrants were treated by locals. Moreover, locals had a very imperial attitude towards the immigrants and they did not treat immigrants well due to their own ignorance. For example, based on article D “I myself believe that the preservation of her institutions depends upon us now taking counsel with our condition and our experience during the last World War. Without offense, but with regard to the salvation of our own let us shut the door.” This quote represents nativism because it is stated from a locals point of view, sharing that in their opinion it would be best to shut the door on immigrants and to focus on reconstruction in order to salvage the American union. Also, article G tags along with “Our study of the army tests of foreign born individuals has pointed at every step to the conclusion that the average intelligence of our immigrants is declining”. This clearly specifies and is a reason that locals are disrespectful to immigrants. Fear Lastly, immigration

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