
Immigrants Pie Chart

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To lower the health care cost that the taxpayers are paying is very simple. If immigrants had the opportunity to access health care this cost would lower. Also granting them a legal status would mean that they would be contributing to pay into the federal income tax base. Doing this means that the immigrants would be putting money towards the costs of their health care. The pie chart by Kaiser Family Foundation shows “Immigrants as a share of the U.S. population and by citizenship status”. As shown in the pie chart, all immigrants from the U.S. in 2011 only makes up about 13 percent of the United States total population. This shows that both undocumented and documented immigrants do not make up a significant amount of the population. Since they made up on 13 percent of the population, giving them access to medical programs should be a given. According to Sy Mukherjee, when EMTALA became a law, congress authorized a Medicaid fund that would help cover some of the costs, which covers …show more content…

They also argue that immigrants do not pay their taxes and have no right in being here. If they are not contributing to the American economy, then they have no right in using the benefits that the government gives out. On the Center for Immigration Studies website, Steven Camarota said that in 2002 illegal immigrants imposed more than $26.3 billion in costs on the federal government, and also only paid $16 billion in taxes. By doing this it created a fiscal deficit of around $10.4 billion. People also believe that immigrants are a waste of time because with many there are language barriers and education status. Also, because of the EMTALA law, immigrants are allowed to use hospitals for medical emergencies. This means that they do not have to pay for the treatment whatever their status is. These hospitals need to be reimbursed someway and one way is through the taxes that the American citizens

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