
Immediate Hypersensitivity Reaction

Decent Essays

PHYSIOLOGY: In an immediate hypersensitivity reaction the primary immune cell involved is the mast cell, which becomes activated through an IgE/FcɛRl receptor interaction. These cells play a key role in the initial immune response known as the ‘immediate hypersensitivity reaction’ which involves release of granule contents as well as secreting cytokines that recruit other pro-inflammatory cells during the ‘late-phase reaction’ (1). Immunological pathway. An allergic response can only begin following a previous exposure to an allergen; during this initial exposure, the allergen is taken up by an antigen presenting cell and presented in the context of MHC Class II to a T cell which then differentiates into a T-helper 2 cell (Th2 cell). This …show more content…

At this point, the mast cell undergoes degranulation – the process of releasing chemical mediators held within granule stores in the cell- and begins the synthesis of lipid mediators, this is known as the immediate hypersensitivity reaction. The mast cell also transcriptionally activates cytokine genes that play a recruitment role in the late phase reaction (5). An overview of this pathway can be observed in figure …show more content…

The molecules released in this time cause vascular dilation and smooth muscle contraction that can be observed in the ‘wheal and flare’ response. The wheal and flare response is the name given to the reaction of the skin following an allergic response. The ‘wheal’ describes the inflamed, raised area and the ‘flare’ referring to the portion of red skin surrounding the wheal. The primary molecules released in the immediate hypersensitivity reaction are proteases and histamines (vasoactive amines) as well as lipid

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