
Ilucion: Cultural Differences Between Men And Women

Decent Essays

Ilucion Carlin who also goes by Carmen is a middle-class, nineteen-year-old student and employee I work with at kohls. She is a second generation American with a prominent Mexican background. Ilucion’s parents came to the United States from Mexico looking for a new start and a better education, her father came to the United States at the age of 16 and attended high school in the U.S to receive his diploma. While her mother came to the United States at the age of 19 looking to go to college, however, became pregnant and did not further her education. Since they came from Mexico, they brought along with them the culture and traditions, and it has been an integrative part of her growing up, and help her become who she is today. I choose to interview Ilucion because of her …show more content…

She did state that it has changed since her grandparent’s era, this involves only being married once and never getting divorced. All families would like for this to happen, but sometimes this is not the case, however, no one in her family has been divorced. She did state that “a man has to learn to be a man before he can be with a woman” (Carlin, 2017). Men and women both have roles in the family a man should know how to work hard to care for a wife and children, and a woman should be able to cook and clean. For a man an a woman to also be able to get married, they need to be pure, meaning that a woman or man could not have sexual relations before marriage. Ilucion did state this is very important in her family because this is how you find a good spouse. She does believe some traditions in her family are outdated, she did say “I know this all sounds silly, but my culture is very old school, and we try not to change customs. I believe in having a partner for life, where we are both respected and loyal to one another” (Carlin,

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