
Ilm Coaching and Training Essay

Decent Essays

ILM Level 3 Award in First Line Management

Understanding training and coaching in the workplace.

Understand how to provide training appropriate to the workplace.

Identifying training needs.
A training need may arise for many reasons this could include the maintenance of existing competencies, a change in procedures, the acquisition of new equipment, a change of roll and responsibilities, the identification of unsafe practices etc.
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx use two systems for recording the maintenance of existing competencies these being Terian that is used to ensure that front line personnel meet the requirement to attend risk critical assessments within specified time periods, and PDRPro which is an electronic personal …show more content…

Task led – work book: A consistent and structured method used for achieving predetermined targets during development, useful to record and monitor progress.

Learning styles.
People learn in various ways and at different rates, some learn much from reading and could be considered a visual learner whilst others find it difficult to get anything from reading and prefer to listen, possibly to others explaining, an auditory learner or perhaps they learn from doing practically and could be regarded as kinetic learners, but whichever way we prefer to learn to be effective the learning cycle must be fully completed. We go through an experience, think about what happened, reach some conclusions and put them into practice.



The Honey and Mumford questionnaire is an extension of the learning cycle and identifies four main styles of learning.
The Activist: Enthusiastic about new ideas, enjoy doing things and consider consequences later, like to work with others but want to lead.
The Reflector: Like to way up a situation first, collect and analyse information, review what has happened and consider what they have learnt.
The Theorist: Think problems through step by step and like things to be rational, tend to be analytical

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