
Illegal Immigration Article Summary

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The article, the economics and policy of illegal immigration in Uunited sStates, written by sGordon H. Hanson published during in December 2009 is very helpful article that enable not only policy maker to critically analysis critically but it also enables the reader to think critically about benefits of illegalof illegal immigration. The article was written based on the effect of illegal immigration in United States. Current immigration policy regimes were blamed for the high level of illegal immigration in United States by most of the policy maker. Most of points that describe the article are to argue the above stated statement about the illegal immigration.
Gordon H had positively explained that illegal immigration has been highly beneficial to many employers, often providing benefits that the …show more content…

There is statement in the article that states that “Despite all the positive effect, illegal immigration overall impact on united state economy is small. However, they have focused more on the development of their country and ignored the human rights that each individuals deserves which often lead to low skilled work with less paid, child labor, human trafficking, forced labor and women and girls being forced into prostitution.
“Unauthorized immigrates accounts for only 5.4 percent of the civilian labor force” this statement stated seems to be like negative compliment made by the author about illegal immigration in United States. The point stated by the author seems supportive in terms of low skilled labor supply, but there is nothing mentioned about the benefits of immigrants where they are easy victims for discrimination and exploitation in the work place. All the points mention was from destination country point of view and from the economic perspective of nation where the loss of productive labor in the home country is

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