
Illegal Immigrants In Great Britain

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Great Britain is an Island made up of 89,000 square miles with an additional 5,400 square miles of Northern Ireland and is separated from the European Mainland.2 Holding four nations England having a population of 40 million, Scotland with an estimated population of 5 million, Wales having a population of 2.5 million, and Northern Ireland with an estimated population of 1.5 million.2 Each nation has their own judicial system and courts. Great Britain seems to be more welcoming to immigrant’s due to the fact that the government has allowed a substantial number of immigrants for the past 12 years. But, recently has been in the news regarding illegal immigrants overstaying their visas. Great Britain’s location has shaped the country and immigration in many ways. Stated in the UCL News, immigrants that have arrived since 2000 have had a positive economic impact. According to UCL immigrants have contributed more than 64 percent more in taxes than what they many have received back.5 UCL also has reported that immigrants are more likely to be more skilled than native workers. Many have thought that with the inflow of skilled immigrants that this would impact the unemployment rates in Great Britain but it has done the opposite it has created an increase supply for labor and a higher demand for labor. Great Britain has one of the largest economics estimated to be around 1.29 trillion. Immigrant workers play a very important role to the many sectors of the economy, like clothes

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