
Illegal Immigrants : Illegal Immigration

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Today one of the biggest issues in America is illegal immigration; these people travel from all over the world, and illegally cross national borders onto U.S soil in desperation to find a better life. Immigrants come to America in hopes of fulfilling the American dream, being free and safe from their original home lands. Most immigrants are illegal and come by the millions each year, which lead to many controversial disputes. The overflow of immigrants caused many citizens to question if these illegal immigrants are damaging America in various way and also by bringing in crime, drugs, and terrorists. Others state that immigrants truly aids the economy “Indeed, some sectors of the economy might have a hard time functioning without illegal workers. (Katel 395) Many citizens believe illegal immigrants are taking jobs, and abusing government benefits, however many argue that these immigrants in fact contribute to a stronger economic stimulus, take unwanted jobs, and some even create jobs for Americans.
Some citizens and politicians believe immigration is taking a negative effect on native born American citizens. They claim these illegal immigrants trespassing damage the U.S by bringing drugs, crime, and stealing jobs from American citizens. They also make statements that immigrant’s illegally trespassing damage the U.S by bringing drugs, crime, and stealing jobs from American citizens. “…they worry that leaky borders could allow in terrorists and undocumented immigrants who

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