2. After reviewing data table 2, the populations that I chose to compare are black, Latino/Hispanic, and IEP. The black population has a mathematics proficiency of 69% and a reading proficiency of 77%, both are below target goal. The Latino/Hispanic population has a mathematics proficiency of 79% and a reading proficiency of 83%. Both are 1% and 2% above the target goal, respectively. The IEP population has a mathematics proficiency of 54% and a reading proficiency of 55%, which are very much below the target goal. I would be the most concerned with the IEP population because it has the largest number of students are below target in both mathematics and reading. There were 432 students that took the mathematics test and 47% or 199 …show more content…
After comparing all the populations across all grade spans, in both reading and mathematics, the populations that I have the most concern for is, the IEP-special education students. Although this population is found to be proficient in most of their testing, this is due to the Safe Harbor or Confidence Interval. In both reading and mathematics proficiency these students have been well below the target. Two examples are grades span 9-12 mathematics 2012 proficiency was 49.1% and grades 3-5 mathematics 2012 proficiency was 54.1%, the target for both is 78%.
6. After looking at the data, the grade span and population that should be of most concern to the district is grades 3-5 IEP-special education. The reading proficiency decreased from 57.8% to 46.7% and the mathematic proficiency decreased from 70.2% to 54.1%. This data could indicate there was a change in the special education program that is affecting the instruction of the students.
As a classroom teacher there are several approaches that I could take to raise student achievement. First, I could focus my curriculum on more essential content. Another way to raise student achievement is to have activities that encourage students to use prior knowledge and encourage critical thinking skills. Finally, I could review student IEP’s and be sure to make accommodations for those students
EE107’s teachers referred EE107 to the Determination Team. EE107 was retained once in kindergarten and placed in a transition classroom for a portion of her 4th grade year. She currently receives math and reading interventions. However, she is not responding to the interventions based on progress monitoring data. Thus, the Determination Team has requested a comprehensive evaluation of EE107 to assist the team in determining whether or not she would qualify for assistance through the Exceptional Children’s program.
By implementing this idea in Area Two schools to support special education students, we will create a more data driven approach to increasing student achievement. By following this idea the team will also do a better job of implementing professional development and mentorships that greatly increase teacher effectiveness. The idea will also increase understanding of the diversity of the schools and promote community involvement by establishing more open communication with the parents and the community to support their students’ needs. The leadership teams will work together to set goals and objectives to support achievement in all grade levels. They will develop a framework for good communication between teachers and leaders so there is
growth rate of 35.8% over the fourteen year span or an average rate of 2.6% (United States Census Bureau [U.S. Census Bureau], 2000).
Currently I work at a school that I have been at for the ten years. As a former Special Education teacher and second grade teacher, I have been able to view the academic picture from multiple vantage points. As a campus, we have consistently seen success in the area of math, however, reading has been an area of inconsistencies. When I began to look at data from recent years I noticed something in particular regarding third grade.
Over the period of data we reviewed, Ennis ISD has had tremendous achievements in the academic advancements of students with learning disabilities. The Ennis ISD disabled students have a graduation rate of over ninety percent, which is two percent higher than the state average for non-disabled students. The class of 2013 had 43 special education students graduate with high school diplomas out of the 345 total Ennis ISD graduates. Ennis ISD has a tendency to hold back their disabled students, especially in kindergarten,
The test data and percentages were the Smarter Balanced scores for students who had shown proficiency on problem-solving standards. The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) groups scores in three categories (below, at/near, and above). Table 1 focuses only on scores that are “Above Grade Level Standard” since those are the only students who proved mastery on those standards test-wide. Group A (as referred to on Table 1) had 98 students when entering 4th grade, and 102 when exiting. Group B has 92 students entering 4th grade and has yet to exit the grade level. For the reasonability of the instructional goals, the researcher is going to be focused specifically on Group B1. This is a subset of Group B, as it is a complete class that has “looped” from 3rd grade to 4th grade together (therefore keeping their “entering”/“exiting” data more relevant). Group B1 consists of 23 of
Bill A.3080 states that prisoners who are part of the “special population” are not allowed to be placed in segregated confinement for any length of time, this includes twenty-one years or age or younger; (b) fifty-five years of age or older; (c) with a disability as defined in subdivision twenty-one of section two hundred ninety-two of the executive law, including but not limited to, for purposes of mental impairment, persons with a serious mental illness as defined in paragraph (e) of subdivision six of section one hundred thirty-seven of this chapter; (d) who is pregnant, is in the first eight weeks of the post-partum recovery period after giving birth, or is caring for a child in a correctional institution
Channelview ISD, the district in which I was raised and currently teach, is considered a low demographic district with a high population of at-risk, economically disadvantaged and special education students. The TAPR results exhibit a clear correlation between the demographics of the school and their performance results. Results vary sporadically and show clear indicators of differences amongst demographic factors such as grade, gender, race, economic level, language capabilities and intelligence level, however, some factors influence test results more than others. Grade, intelligence level and language capabilities prove to be the main factors in the gaps between the percent of the state that were at Level II Satisfactory or Above and district percentage results. Also analyzed were the percentages of students who were at Postsecondary Readiness and Advanced and lastly and analysis on what percent of students made progress and exceeded progress as well as identifying which students performed well and
If you asked most people to describe what they consider to be the main thing affecting our countries health they would probably describe something that falls under the category of medical care when in reality this makes up only 25 percent of what determines a population’s health (Where Health Begins).The rest of the influences that effect the health of a population come in the form of a person’s genetics, behaviors, socio-economic status, physical environment, access to healthcare, and even the policies and laws put in place around them. Many of these factors are not under the control of the individuals which is why it is important for us as future physicians to understand the barriers that face the people we will be serving in order for us
On the other study conducted by Waldron, the results show that children with learning disabilities did poor on math compared to children without learning disabilities. Programs to help children with learning disabilities improve in math should be enforce in every school to help these children succeed. The dropout rate on children with learning disabilities was 14.1 percent on a longitudinal study conducted by Doren. The reason for dropouts was that children with learning disabilities felt they were not compatible academically as children without learning disabilities. They felt disadvantaged compared to the other children. This shows that children with learning disabilities are in greater danger to dropping out of school. Programs designated for children with learning disabilities to help them on their reading, math, and writing would drop the rate and help those students graduate
There were several special populations that I found to be interesting. These populations include children with learning disabilities, overweight children, childhood diabetes, people with illnesses due to nervous system disorders, and abused women. After carefully looking at all these different topics I decided on people with illnesses due to nervous system disorders.
Jones felt the best approach would be a cohort analysis focusing in on the current 4th graders, specifically focused on Mathematics. Mr. Jones needs to seek the input of the others in his building. There has been no mention of others involvement. Focusing only on one cohort of students does not give the other grades and subject in some ways makes the other areas feel less accountable for the success of the school as a whole. Mr. Jones did look at the released version of the state test, he made sure his books were aligned to the curriculum and he did have a test to be used as a
There were 459 students enrolled at Newsome Park in the fall of 2014, of these students 106 were enrolled in third grade (Virginia Department of Education, 2015b). The pass rate for all third grade students in math stood at 35 percent at Newsome Park Elementary School, 66 percent across the division, and 74 percent at the state level (Virginia Department of Education, 2015b). Gap group 1 pass rates are disaggregated into two categories, students with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged. It remains unclear if the economically disadvantaged students represented in the proficiency rate by subgroup are unduplicated. Pass rates for students with disabilities at the school stood at 14 percent, 32 percent in the division, and 46 percent across the state (Virginia Department of Education, 2015b). Pass rates for economically disadvantaged students in the school stood at 33 percent, 58 percent in the division and 63 percent across the state. Gap group 2 (Black students) pass rate at the school stood at 31 percent, 67 percent in the division, and 75 percent across the state (Virginia Department of Education, 2015b). Gap Group 3 (Hispanics) fell below the state definition for personally identifiable results (Virginia Department of Education, 2015b).
The two options for identifying students with disabilities are RTI model and the IQ-Achievement discrepancy model. The RTI model is a multi-tiered approach to identifying students with disabilities. With this approach the amount of students who are identified as having a learning disability has decreased because of the support students receive at different tiers and it eliminates inadequate instruction as the reason for reading problems. Universal screening and high quality teaching is done for all students. Students who show that they need additional help receive tier 1 services where frequency and intensity increases. Students are monitored and receive research based instruction in the general education classroom. Some students may still struggle and have to receive more intensive and frequent service. Those students will receive supplemental support from an educational professional. Tier 3 services are provided to students who still struggle and need even more intensive service. Students may also qualify for special education services. The IQ-Achievement discrepancy model is used to determine if a disability is present. Standardized tests are used to eliminate low intellectual ablity as a determining cause for reading problems. With this model, a professional assess whether there is a discrepancy between a student’s scores on an iq test and scores obtained from areas
In addition, students achievement needs are not met especially the sp. ed. and ESL student whose academic levels fall below average students. Some students basic language foundation were not met for whatever reason, thus they are performing two or three grade levels below their actual grade.