
Iep Population Analysis Paper

Satisfactory Essays

2. After reviewing data table 2, the populations that I chose to compare are black, Latino/Hispanic, and IEP. The black population has a mathematics proficiency of 69% and a reading proficiency of 77%, both are below target goal. The Latino/Hispanic population has a mathematics proficiency of 79% and a reading proficiency of 83%. Both are 1% and 2% above the target goal, respectively. The IEP population has a mathematics proficiency of 54% and a reading proficiency of 55%, which are very much below the target goal. I would be the most concerned with the IEP population because it has the largest number of students are below target in both mathematics and reading. There were 432 students that took the mathematics test and 47% or 199 …show more content…

After comparing all the populations across all grade spans, in both reading and mathematics, the populations that I have the most concern for is, the IEP-special education students. Although this population is found to be proficient in most of their testing, this is due to the Safe Harbor or Confidence Interval. In both reading and mathematics proficiency these students have been well below the target. Two examples are grades span 9-12 mathematics 2012 proficiency was 49.1% and grades 3-5 mathematics 2012 proficiency was 54.1%, the target for both is 78%.
6. After looking at the data, the grade span and population that should be of most concern to the district is grades 3-5 IEP-special education. The reading proficiency decreased from 57.8% to 46.7% and the mathematic proficiency decreased from 70.2% to 54.1%. This data could indicate there was a change in the special education program that is affecting the instruction of the students.

As a classroom teacher there are several approaches that I could take to raise student achievement. First, I could focus my curriculum on more essential content. Another way to raise student achievement is to have activities that encourage students to use prior knowledge and encourage critical thinking skills. Finally, I could review student IEP’s and be sure to make accommodations for those students

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