

Decent Essays

No person puts themselves in the same category as others, each person has different values and perceives themselves completely different than everyone else. An identity is the set of characteristics and the state of being that defines a person and makes them unique. No one decides for themselves what they value; from birth everyone has choices made for them. Parents choose how they want to raise their children and where; all of which are factors that decide who each person is and who they become. The factors that cause for differences in individuals vary, each person is introduced to distinctive experiences that are unique to that person and allow for that individual to develop into a unique identity. Ernest Hemingway’s “Indian Camp” is about …show more content…

However these expectations differ for age groups, race, and social order; and being a people eager to fit in and be accepted, everyone is coerced into following the norms and expectations set for them. Andrew Sullivan in his article , “I Used to Be a Human Being” discusses the loss of a true identity to the new expectations of a developing generation. The people of each generation allow themselves to be changed and formed into the ideals of their society. Andrew Sullivan talks about how each person of this new generation is expected to interact with each other in a fashion so far removed from the past that these new pressures are only relevant to the youth of the society. Having been born twenty years earlier saved people from the pressures put on these individuals, seeing as the pressures were created after the identities of the people were created. The pressures for each generation are different than the generation that came before them, and with the new pressures and expectations come a new type of people, people who value different things and act in different manners. As new groups of individuals arise the new expectations expectations, for how each person should act, rise with them. These people will then raise their children who will grow up alongside an entirely different set of norms than their parents had, bringing again a new type of people into society. Anna Garvey in her article, “The Oregon Trail Generation: Life Before and After Mainstream Tech” supports this idea. Having been part of a generation in between new and old values, she got to see first hand how new environments create different pressures and therefore cause individuals to conform and let themselves be changed by what these new expectations call for. As an environment changes, the way in which individuals interact with each other changes as well. The environment that a person is in

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