
Identity In Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man

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Identity in Invisible Man In the novel Invisible Man the author writes about a nameless and African American male in the time period before the civil rights movement that is trying to find his identity. The narrator finds himself lost when trying to find this identity of his and tells all the crazy times in his life to make sense of his identity and what it means to be himself. Ellison looks at the ideas of culture, perception, location and time period in which the novel takes place in and how they can make difficult to develop self-identification. The protagonist takes on multiple identities and finally ends up an “invisible man” in the end. Ellison makes it clear that one thing that can determine your identity is the perception others …show more content…

The narrator was an African American male who seems to hardly be shown equality of any sort. The protagonist even once was giving a speech and mentions racial equality and is interrupted by a white man asking, “ You weren’t being smart, were you, boy?” (Ellison 31). The narrator is often treated without respect and very rudely. In the “battle royal" the protagonist and other young black boys aren’t just treated badly but like property. The men who are throwing the “battle royal” are shouting, “Slug him, black boy! Knock his guts out” during the fight (Ellison 24). It is easy to see that the main character’s race makes up a large part of the identity that most people he is acquainted with give him by the way they treat him. This racism that is apart of the culture, where he lives and the time period he is in, and it plays a big role in how he struggles to be able to develop his identity whether he wants it to or not. This is one of the reasons the protagonist goes underground. Underground he is safe and has the freedoms that in reality and society he doesn’t have because of his color and the culture that has made society as it

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