
Identity A Reader For Writers By Cathy Davidson

Good Essays

Educational Systems Need Change
In the anthology Identity a Reader for Writers by John Scenters- Zapico, Cathy Davidson, in her writing “Project Classroom Makeover”, discusses how the educational system needs a big upgrade. She also talks about how so many people in today’s society seem so disinterested in school. Davidson uses rhetorical devices such as ethos, pathos, and logos to get her message across to the intended audience of teachers, that the way schools are teaching needs to change. In Davidsons writing she speaks her mind on how children and teens are losing interest in what is being taught in the classroom. Davidson uses the rhetorical device logos the most in her writing. Logos is using statistics and facts to inform the reader …show more content…

It is not fair that students are all being tested the same, because no one is exactly the same. Everyone is unique in their own way and more teachers out there need to understand this. Especially in high school because so many students are beginning to think about their future and what they want to do in life, some want to be doctors, lawyers, musicians, artists, or firefighters, so why should they all need to know the same pointless information that does not pertain to each and every one of them. Davidson does an excellent job at using all three rhetorical devices in her writing. Logos helped the audience understand the percentages of high school graduation rates and how they have not increased which should be concerning schools everywhere. Pathos helped cause the feeling of an emotional connection to the young girl who because of her ADD and love for art made her seem like a failure in all other aspects of the school systems tests. And Ethos which made it feel like Davidson is a trust worthy lady and that she is well educated and very knowledgeable about the school systems. Change is definitely needed in the way schools are functioning, from the way they teach, test and the technology they are using, it all needs a major upgrade. More people need to understand and take action like

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