
Ice-Free Corridor In The Early 1980s

Decent Essays

In the early 1980s, modern vertebrate paleontology and geology was applied to the question. Studies showed that various portions of the 'corridor' were blocked by ice from between 30,000 to at least 11,500 BP (i.e., during and for a long while after the Last Glacial Maximum). Since sites in Alberta are less than 11,000 years old, colonization of Alberta occurred from the south, and not along the so-called ice free corridor. Further doubts about the corridor began to arise in the late 1980s when sites older than 12,000 years (such as Monte Verde, Chile) began to be discovered; and clearly, people who lived at Monte Verde could not have used an ice free corridor to get there. The oldest site known along the corridor is in northern British Columbia:

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