
Ibn Battuta's Impact On World History

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On February 25, 1304, Ibn Battuta,one of the history’s most famous explorer, was born. The explorer was born in Tangier, Morocco in a family of Islamic judges. His pilgrimage in 1325 to the holy city of Mecca started his series of journeys which lasted for three decades. Battuta journeyed to North Africa, the Horn of Africa, West Africa, Southern Europe and Eastern Europe in the West, to the Middle East, Indian subcontinent, South Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China. After voyaging for three decades, Ibn Battuta completed his book of travels called Rihla meaning journey in Arabic with a young scholar named Ibn Juzayy. The book Rihla impacted world history by giving a first hand account on areas he traveled to and acknowledging what …show more content…

His book included descriptions of places and items people needed, acknowledgement of the different cultures and the way other people lived differently. His book was written in different languages to apprise what the other world was like. The Rihla was printed by hand and the shortened version or the entire book was found in libraries and were carried by travelers. In addition, the books were translated into different languages such as French, German and English by the European scholars which allowed a wide audience to understand the Rihla. His book was used for traveling purposes and Ibn Battuta’s book guided people which informed them with his experience in different countries. In addition, he wrote how Damascus was built on by saying how there were charities that provided girls with marriage requirements, freeing Muslim prisoners, fixing roads, and many more. They also provided waqfs that supported schools, hospitals and mosques. If one wanted to understand how the society of Damascus was like, they were able to comprehend by reading the Rihla and understand that the people in Damascus were very giving and kind. Battuta also wrote that Damascus was a huge supermarket since it was the center of the trade routes and the Umayyad Mosque was famous for its learning of the Muslim world. He described the mosque of …show more content…

The traveler acknowledged the goods that were being traded in China. He explained that there were good quality porcelain, how large the hens and cockerels were, and how the hens’ eggs were the size of their goose eggs. Battuta explained how immense the Chinese ships were and how it was powered by a thousand men, six hundred sailors, and four hundred soldiers that were mainly archers and used naphtha fires. One ship was followed by three smaller ships and the larger vessel had four bridges. In the event that if a trader wanted large eggs, hens or ships they would travel to China to obtain the goods. In the book Rihla, Battuta expounded on the Maldive Islands and their resources of coconut fibers and cowrie shells. Ropes were made out of coconut fibers and the cowrie shells were used as currency in some parts of Africa na Malaysia. Traders would know that the Maldive Islands are resourceful for the items of coconut fiber and cowrie shells. They would be able to buy those goods and sell them later. There was an illustration of how gold was used in the markets of Cairo and the usage of gold from Mali in all parts of the world. Mali’s other resources included ivory, ostrich feathers, kola nuts, hides and salves. During the late Medieval period, West Africa has given two thirds the amount of the world’s stock of gold. Mali provided many goods like gold, ivory, ostrich feathers, kola nuts,

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