
Iago's Use Of Manipulation In Othello

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In Cassandra Martin's’ writing she quotes Codoban saying, “ human communication means influencing other minds through language.” Looking at Shakespeare’s Othello, Iago persuades, manipulates, and seduces each character through communication, disregarding any collateral damage, to achieve his ultimate goal of becoming lieutenant and paying back Othello for sleeping with his wife. “Persuasion is communicating with more than words in attempt to influence or change the framework of another, occasionally leading to a shift in behavior” (Codoban). This is an intentional and conscious act where the person being persuaded knows the intended message. Iago, less than other strategies, but still frequently used persuasion to help sway other characters into helping him. An example of this being in Act 1 between Iago and …show more content…

This works by someone attempting to contort another persons view and make them believe they are pursuing their personal goal but are actually helping the manipulator attain their goal. Iago uses his manipulation skills most frequently on Roderigo to stir things up and help along his plan to be lieutenant. When Iago gets Cassio drunk and gets Roderigo to pick a fight, he successfully gets Cassio removed from his position as lieutenant. Iago manipulated Roderigo into fighting Cassio under the false pretenses that he wanted justice for Roderigo. He posed this by over exaggerating the exchange between Cassio and Desdemona when she first arrived to Cyprus, making it sound extremely romantic when it was actually very casual and appropriate. This is an example of manipulation because Iago has convinced Roderigo that starting trouble with an intoxicated Cassio is in Roderigo's best interest when, in actuality, it's his own personal dilemma of stirring up trouble to get Cassio removed from his

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