
Iago's Rethoric

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The effect of Iago's rhetoric on Othello.

In Othello, Shakespeare takes Iago's actions as the main turning point in the play; also, he takes three of the most important modes of persuasion in rhetoric (Pathos, Logos, and Ethos). Those modes of persuasion perfectly describe Iago's character. Ethos is taking by Iago's reasons to be against Othello and by what he says and how is him. He can make anyone believe in anything. He has the ability to manipulate every character in the play including Othello. His hate and anger towards him, built Othello's catastrophe trough the play.
Iago is not an honest man but he is not silly either. His repetition in the play is the way he talks to each character in the play. He made up a lot of different …show more content…

The only thing that he could not change was Cassius luck. He got a better charge than he had before and he will make Iago pay for what he did, so Iago will die painfully afterwards. " The time, the place, the torture. O, enforce it! Myself will straight aboard" (Lines

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