
Iago's Motives

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In the story Othello, Iago is a very fascinating character. In many ways, he could be viewed as the main character because of his amount of involvement in the story. His motives could be described as being very similar to those of Charles Manson. His cunning use of words along with his ability to relate to the other characters allow him to set up a trap for them that ultimately leads them to do evil things. Iago is the most evil of all considerable villans because of his lack of reasoning, which makes him an unresolvable villan.

It could be said that Iago thoroughly enjoys stirring the pot to create more drama. "Iago is the villain we love to hate; he makes the play and at the same time breaks all the characters within …show more content…

Yelling and screaming with another of his pawns named Rodrigo, they cause a scene both with the words they say and with the level of sincerity they add to their message. The father is then thrown into a rage based completely off of the information that he has been told about the man his daughter is marrying.The town council is then herded together to deal with the problem and is unable to come to a conclusion to support the fathers irrational ideas Because of this, Desdimona's father says many harsh things both to his daughter and to Othello. If Desdimona had been the one to tell her father, perhaps much of the drama could have been …show more content…

It is quite interesting how great his organsational skills are for him to be able to tell a lie and keep everyone fighting each other, almost as if he has been preparing for this moment for a long time. He tells Othello that Desdimona has been cheating on him with his former officer, Cassio. This information is so intrusive into Othello's mind that it actually spurs on short episodes of epelepsy. Othello's mind and body begin to shake at the thought of the love of his life being unfaithful to him. Iago gets deeper and deeper into the emotions of Othello and begins insnaring Othello's mind, blinding him from any truth while looking through the lense of such an emotional viewpoint as being a victim of unfaithful

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