
Iago Is To Blame In Shakespeare's Othello

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Love, jealousy and lies can make you do crazy things, especially when you trust the wrong person. In William Shakespeare’s Othello Iago’s twisted lies ends the life of innocent people. Iago’s ambition for wanting to be lieutenant will not let anyone in the way of that even if it means lying to and about innocent people. The play Othello is about a is about a black leader named Othello and his wife Desdemona and how their lives changed completely due to lies and jealous. Although Cassio and Desdemona hold some responsibility in the tragedies in Othello, Iago is the most responsible in the tragedies in the play; without the actions of Iago, Cassio, and Desdemona, the play Othello would not be a tragedy.
Iago hold the most responsibility in the tragedy of Othello because he was seeking revenge against Othello. Iago was one of Othello trust men. Iago tries to demote Cassio so we can become lieutenant and he lies to people. …show more content…

Iago had most of the blame in the play because his ambition got the best of him. Desdemona and Cassio were just innocent people who were blamed for actions they didn’t do and had to pay the consequences. Desdemona and Cassio still have fault for trust someone so evil. Love, jealousy and lies can make you do crazy things, especially when you trust the wrong person related to this because Othello was jealous of Desdemona because of the lies of Iago. Iago let his jealousy for wanting to be lieutenant get the best of him. Cassio trusted the wrong person and it ended up killing him in the end. I think this story can relate to everyday life because this still goes on. People trust the wrong people. Many people also do crazy things for love and jealousy. To this day some people still kill because of love lies and

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