
INTRO PSYCH Wednesday Syllabus 1 1 1

Better Essays

Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
PSYC 1000U-001: Introduction to Psychology
Winter 2013
Wednesday 6:40 - 9:30 pm
University Building UA1350

Instructor: Dr. Ronn Young E-mail: Office: TBA Office Hours: By appointment

Teaching Assistants: Kiri Lutchman, Renee Snellings
** E-mail: via Course Messages in Blackboard
Office: Kiri Lutchman (61 Charles Street, DTA 207, Downtown Oshawa Campus) Renée Snellings (55 Bond Street, DTB 202, Downtown Oshawa Campus) Office Hours: Kiri Lutchman (Tuesdays 3pm-4pm) Renée Snellings (Mondays 1pm-2pm)
Please advise the Teaching Assistants, whenever possible, if planning to attend office hours.

* Blackboard Site: …show more content…

The purpose of exams is to determine your current level of course knowledge. Exams are not devised to reward hard work or effort, though hard work and effort generally contribute to greater course knowledge and, thus, better exam grades.

Participation – 5% of your final grade Participation will be based on a random day I choose to take attendance and involvement in class. I may include attitude and personal interest in the course and course materials, and partaking in optional voluntary essay assignments given throughout the semester as part of the participation 5%. It looks like this: 1% attendance and 4% optional essay or voluntary participation during class. Many students opt for the “essay credit” in which case I will expect APA style with appropriate university student quality with proper grammar and spelling. I will also provide a CIVILITY bonus for showing respect in abstaining from inappropriate internet use during lectures.

Missing an Exam: Make-up exams will be provided only for serious medical or compassionate situations (i.e., the death of a loved one) that have been approved by the Student Advisor (Amy Anderson: and/or the professor. You must have appropriate supporting documentation. Contacting the Student Advisor and/or professor before the exam lends credibility to your issues.

Personal Issues: You will need a specific form from the Student Advisor for your doctor to fill out. This

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