
I Was Here Quotes

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Thrown into a situation of unprecedented circumstances, Cody is a flickering light in a sea of darkness in Gayle Forman’s novel, I Was Here. After losing her best friend, Meg, to suicide, Cody struggles throughout the novel. But she still shines through with her protective nature, her stubbornness, and even her depression.
From the get-go, Cody tries to protect Meg’s family, the Garcias, from any more unnecessary pain. This is seen multiple times throughout the book. “No, I haven’t told them about any of this. The secret feels larger than before, almost tumorous. There is no way I can tell the Garcias now. It would devastate them.” (I Was Here, Forman, 121). As seen by this quote, the burden of All_BS, and the Final Solution boards, seem to lie on Cody’s shoulders, but she has no doubt in her mind that she should protect the Garcias. Cody gives her all to protect the Garcias from the excess burden that she is carrying, and that shows how protective she is. …show more content…

It propels the book forward, and shows that Cody is a force to be reckoned with. “’You took math all the way through that because you wanted to go to college. My point is, you never quit on dance, on math, on anything, and maybe you had more reason to. You had a pile of rocks and you cleaned them up pretty, and made a necklace.’”(??) It is made clear by this quote that Cody has been a stubborn, strong-willed child for the majority of her life, and has made something of herself. This quality of Cody’s contrasts well with the mood of the novel, and really shines through, since the peservance of Cody really battles with the depression nature of the

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