
I Want To Become A Registered Nurse

Satisfactory Essays

When I complete my schooling, my ideal job is a job that both men, and women can do. This ideal job pays well, and I get a lot of out it. This job will also let me work anywhere I want. This ideal job will also give me the opportunity to move onto a better occupation. There are also many job openings that come with this occupation. My ideal job requires me to have a good education, good communication, listening, and helpful skills. I have always been interested in this field ever since I was a little girl. This job will also meet my wants, and my needs without any complications. My ideal job is to becoming a registered nurse, The benefit of being a registered nurse is that I will be able to receive lots of money; with …show more content…

A registered nurse is similar to a doctor. The reason why is because a registered nurse can diagnose patients, and a registered nurse can also prescribe patients with any medication they may need. My last and final benefit is that when I become a registered nurse, I know I will be able to get a job quickly, and easily. The reason why is because not many people want to be in the field of medicine, so I know I will have a better chance of becoming a registered nurse. I also know I have personally chosen an occupation that suits me in every way possible. Becoming a registered nurse has been on my mind ever since I was a little girl. There are, so many benefits to becoming a registered nurse, and I do not want to miss out on the opportunities that a registered nurse will bring to me. Overall, this occupation meets my wants, and my needs. The reason why is because it pays well, I can work anywhere of my choosing, and I will also be closer to becoming a doctor. To become a registered nurse, I have to continue with school, for a long time, but in the end it will all be worth it. The reason why is because I will be able to help people, and solve the illnesses that they

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