
I Stand Here Ironing By Tillie Olsen

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“Let her be. So all that is in her will not bloom-but in how many does it? There is still enough left to live by” (Olsen 425). Let her become her own person. Let her see life for her own and remind her that there’s always hope because there’s always life. "I stand here ironing" by Tillie Olsen was very personal story to me. I can relate to Emily because I’ve been in her shoes. The mother was only nineteen when she had her first child. She was young but old enough know what's right and what's wrong. I have a lot of disagreement with the mother’s actions throughout the story. In the short story it demonstrates the learning of helplessness by the life of poverty and the lack of any help from anyone. With no help financially, lack from help …show more content…

This line stood with me throughout my reading because she said she was a miracle and with that I tried to figure out when she didn't become such a miracle anymore. In this time period I know that it must have been extremely hard for the mother due to the erupting poverty line. Even with poverty as a women you supposed to be strong and get through it and be strong for yours. A counselor becomes concerned Emily at school. “I wish you would manage time to come in and talk with me about your daughter. I'm sure you can help me better understand her. She's a youngster who needs help and whom I'm deeply interested in helping.' (Olsen, 292). The mother goes on to say “Who needs help. Even if I came what good would it do? You think because I am her mother I have a key, or that in some way you can use me as a key'? (Olsen, 3). One can conclude that Emily and her mother didn't have a strong relationship, and by the way the mother responds to the person on the phone it feels as though she regrets not building that relationship with Emily. The mother’s depiction of Emily is how she stresses the differences between them. She feels as though Emily is to separate from her, based on how she dealt with Emily in her childhood. The first time she gives her away she’s with family but just because its family doesn’t mean that’s always best. The Mother went to pick Emily up one day from her husband's family’s house and she was is in such …show more content…

Emily didn’t have someone to go sand talk to that said “everything was going to be ok”. Despite everything that has been happening to her since she came out the womb she has survived. Emily will only survive not because she wants to but because she has to. She had a talent and that was making people laugh. Even when she had nothing but hurt throughout her life her gift was making others smile. Emily had entered a talent show and she won first place. The only way from getting out of poverty or a bad situation is to be better and overcome it. I know what it feels like to be in Emily’s shoes. I was also tossed around as a child. I even went from house to house and it can play tricks on you. My mother also gave me away as a child and I can say I think say so far I turned out well. Sometimes you have to put your fear of what the future may for you aside and grow up. Emily was forced to do everything on her own growing up. I know it can be hard but she strived from the bottom. The mother states “You think because I am her mother I have a key, or that in some way you could use me as a key?”(Olsen). Her mother didn’t even know what to say to her because she barley even knows her. The mother always seemed to try to take the easy way out. The mother feels as long as she does right by her other kids that it will make up for the one she abandoned. The moral of the story was learn through her mother’s life. In

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