
I Needed For The State And The Restoration Of The Monarchy

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When it came to reforming her own government, she made sure to surround herself with those that actually had the best interest of the territories in mind. Some of those she credited with her success as a ruler were, Johann Christoph von Bartenstein, Count Friedrich Wilhelm von Haugwitz, Emanuel Silva-Tarouca, and Ignaz von Koch. She wrote, “Bartenstein and Haugwitz gave me what I needed for the State and the preservation of the Monarchy. Tarouca and Koch supplied me with consolation, counsel and private information for my own knowledge and correction." It was not by pure luck that Maria Theresa was able to keep her kingdom alive during the beginning of her unexperienced reign. At first, she was reluctant to make changes even though she …show more content…

Military Maria Theresa, as inexperienced as she was, was able to see the lack of intelligence in the organization of her military forces, less than ten years into her rule. She wrote, “Each unit had a different order of marching, a different drill, etc. One practiced rapid fire, another slow. The same words of command were differently interpreted in each unit, and it is really no wonder that ten years before my accession the Emperor as defeated every time, and the subsequent state of the army beggars description.” She was able to see, early on, that not only did she need a better trained military force, but she also needed a larger force. Through calibration with her advisors, mostly Haugwitz, she was able to obtain the men and money to have an appropriate military force. Public Opinion
Maria Theresa was generally well-liked as she accomplished much for her people. In 1749, in a letter addressed to Fräulein Thomasius, Luise Gottsched spoke of her most amazing visit with Maria Theresa. She starts by saying, “Yes, I have seen her, the greatest among women. She who, in herself, is higher than her throne.” She goes on to explain the event of meeting the Empress and mentions the compliments Maria Theresa gave to both Luise and her husband. Throughout the

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