
I Know That A Hardline Approach Has Been Your Approach

Decent Essays

I know that a hardline approach has been your approach to dealing with the Soviet Union and instability abroad while I commend you for attempting to establish your own foreign policy separate from Roosevelt’s, I believe you need to shift focus away from establishing U.S. power abroad and focus on creating the conditions that will support long-term global stability. We are at a crossroads where two powers with competing ideologies have risen to survive the test of war, and if we do not tread carefully, we will find ourselves on the brink of a global war once again. We can have this peace if can contain communism while simultaneously maintaining good relations with the Soviet Union.
A year ago, the Soviet Union was a vital partner to us and …show more content…

The contributions and success of the Red Army during the war against fascism are undeniable and have strengthen the belief that communism is a viable alternative to democracy and capitalism; however, the actions taken by the United States these past few months say to the Soviet Union that they are not our equal. Stalin feels as though his own interests were ignored in the handing of post-war Japan and in dealing with German reunification. If we are going to improve relations in any way, the Soviet perspective must be taken into account despite what domestic opposition there may be. Policy cannot only function as an extension of an ideology, it must also be grounded in the reality of current political situation of all parties involved. The United States will not be harmed by letting the Soviet Union participate in forming provisional government in states along the Russian border or by comprising on territorial agreements that would provide the Soviet Union with a sense of security. Compromise is necessary in the name of stability.
Pulling from Stalin’s speech again, I believe that this is our best chance to shift our foreign policy away from armament and towards economic diplomacy in the Soviet Union. In his speech, Stalin stated, “The main tasks of the new five-year plan are to rehabilitate the devastated regions of our country, to restore industry and agriculture to the prewar level, and then to exceed that level to a more or less considerable extent.” The Soviet

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