
I Know Addie Analysis

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I decided to discuss about the character Addie in the book. I know Addie is described in many ways throughout the story and from many different perspectives, how ever the part I want to discuss happens in chapter 40. Although many of the family members have different opinions of their deceased mother and describe her in the way they each had relationships with her, I believe that chapter 40 captures her personality, identity, and why she was the way she was. It gives an insight to the live she actually lived rather than just the stories being told from others while she is in the coffin. The story in chapter 40 goes back to the time before Addie and Anse married. Addie was working as a schoolteacher, hating her life and hating her students. She hates her students so much that her only pleasure was in punishing them. Which Addie being described in this way was to no surprise from which her relationships with her family were …show more content…

Also as she said on page 172, “I would think of that even while I lay with him in the dark with Cash asleep in the cradle within the swing of my hand. I would think that if he were to wake and cry, I would suckle him, too. Ansew or love: it didn’t matter. My aloneness had been violated and then made whole again but the violation: time, Anse, love, what you will, outside the circle.” Making it clear her personality was far from being loving and caring as you would expect any mother to be towards her children. Then as the story goes on it talks about how Anse and her got married and after having Cash and Darl she begins to resent him so much that she sleeps with another man. It is not until two months after the affair ends that she learns she is pregnant with Jewel. After giving birth to Jewel, Addie has Dewey Dell with Anse, to as she said in the book, “I gave Anse Dewey Dell to negative Jewel. Then I gave him Vardaman to replace the child I robbed him of.

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