
I Had The Pleasure Of Speaking With Dr. Inger Mcgee

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Leader Interview
I had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Inger McGee, Assistant Professor Director of Elementary Education & Early Childhood Programs University of Arizona South. Professor McGee began her teaching career after earning Bachelors in Elementary Education, her M.Ed. in Teaching and Teacher Education and later, a Ph.D. in Education with Curriculum emphasis.
When asked about her inspiration for teaching, she replied, there is a purpose greater than you. In Conversations on Servant-Leadership, that higher power is described as to honor ourselves, our ancestors, and God, the Creator (Ferch, Spears, McFarland, Carey, p. 180, 2015). Fame and fortune are a byproduct, but doing things because they are really important is the greater good. She related a passage by Michael Fullan, on becoming a change agent, “The best indicator of a positive change agent is how many people are able to carry on when they leave.” By empowering people to make decisions, things can continue to run after you are no longer there. Accomplishments are made by getting in and doing the work rather than mandating or dictating- a leader walks in a lot of shoes. Dr. Martin Luther King did his own protesting; he motivated and inspired people rather than being concerned about outward appearances.
Inger has met leaders that have had a great impact on her teaching style and the type of teacher she wanted to be. She remembers her first experience in teaching, a time when she was assigned to a seasoned

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