
I Feel Like A Real American Essay

Decent Essays

How do you see your country? You may be proud of where you live, or you might have the opposite view. It’s also possible that arriving where you currently live for the first time may affect you, such as the case of Jean Fritz, who once was a missionary kid, or MK, from China. After living in China for years, Jean had stepped foot on American soil for the first time in her life. In doing so, the way she saw this country had grown into something different than what she had started out thinking. “So far away from America, I didn’t feel like a real American. Nor would I, I thought, until I had put my feet down on American soil.”, seen on page 35. Jean’s wish was clear, she had desperately wanted to feel like a “real American”. In her eyes, the sooner she arrived in America, the better. To help herself connect more with her wishes, she often consulted Priscilla Alden, a pilgrim from a …show more content…

Even in a train, looking out on the land, she thought, “How could you not feel American? How could you not feel that you belonged?”, as seen on page 42. By the time she had settled in her grandmother’s house, she felt like she had always been part of that family, and started to take in the fact that she had real aunts, uncles, and a grandmother. Even the small things, like a bathroom, Jean had marveled at. This being said, Priscilla had helped her realize that America was still an experiment, and Jean had to be one of the people to make it work. Unlike her time in China, Jean felt a sense of belonging in America, and had finally felt like a true American. She had wanted nothing more, and after years of reaching for this country, she found it. Although the run to the finish line was rocky and full of holes, after arriving in America, she discovered what being a true American meant. It was the willingness to help make the experiment work, and Jean had found that inside

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