
I Believe In Myself Analysis

Decent Essays

I have always believed in myself because of the strong relationships with my family. They have taught me everything I know about community, care, and hard work.

Believing in myself came from my father and brother. I have a brother and five sisters. My brother is the eldest; he is 20 years older than me. Mohammed, my eldest brother, studied his bachelor's and master's in the United States, and still managed to achieve good scores and become independent early in his life. This had a great impact on his career and life afterwards. Now he is a regional head in one of the leading local banks in Saudi Arabia. I admire his work but I also appreciate the balanced life he was able to maintain, where work is not the only priority in his life. Our parents still …show more content…

What I like even most about him is his community service. Being the youngest is something special, but you must be serious when you grow up. Growing up as the youngest, my parents look at me as the baby of the family. It also makes my brother and sisters look at me as younger and dependent on them. This view of me has always made me want to challenge their assumptions and prove them wrong. I did not know that I would soon enough be able to step up and show them the man I had become. On June the 16th, 2015 my father had his first spontaneous stroke. My mother was terrified, and it was only me and her at home. My elder brother was in France on a holiday with his family, he was too far away to be of help. I started to think about being the eldest at the moment for my father, to give him everything he needed like helping, caring, and taking a big responsibility. I showed my diligence to my new role for him. In the hospital I took on the responsibility of talking with the doctor to have recent updates about his health, blood pressure and what should he be doing for

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