
Hyperkemia Vs Hypoglycemia

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Hypoglycemia vs. Hyperglycemia

Whether it’s low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), or high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), both are bad for your overall health, and either may cause major complications that if left untreated, and could be potentially life threatening. Generally speaking, these conditions are common among diabetics. However, they may also affect non-diabetics as well. What are the differences between hypoglycemia vs. hyperglycemia, and are there any early warning signs or symptoms when you have these conditions? Consider the following chart:
A Comparison Chart of Hypoglycemia vs. Hyperglycemia Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
Definition Hypoglycemia is defined as a blood sugar (glucose) levels below 4 mmol/L, with …show more content…

That's because your brain needs glucose to function properly.
Recognize the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia early because untreated hypoglycemia can lead to:
• Severe confusion and disorientation
• Unconsciousness
• Seizures
• Coma
• Death Untreated hyperglycemia can cause long-term complications, including:
• Diabetic Retinopathy, or damage to the blood vessels of the retina, potentially leading to blindness
• Cataracts, or clouding of the normally clear lens of your eyes
• Problems in your feet due to poor blood flow or damaged nerves that may lead to serious infections, and in severe cases, amputation
• Tooth and gum infections
• Bone and joint problems
• Skin problems, including fungal infections ,bacterial infections, and non-healing wounds
• Nerve damage (neuropathy)
• Cardiovascular disease
• Kidney damage (diabetic nephropathy) or kidney failure

Hypoglycemia vs. Hyperglycemia: How to Beat Them?
Treatments of Hypoglycemia
200-220 words,
If You Have Low Blood Sugar

Then eat or drink any of the following items:
• Four to six pieces of hard candy (not

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