
Hydraulic Fracturing And Its Effects On The Environment

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Hydraulic Fracturing Maya Murray Mr. Iwasaki Chun MYP Chemistry Essay 3 May 2015 Maya Murray Mr. Iwasaki Chun MYP Chemistry 3 May 2015 Hydraulic Fracturing “Our country will have drilled and fracked our way down a blind alley for a short lived energy boom” (qtd. In …). Hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, is the process of drilling and injecting fluid into the ground at high pressure in order to fracture shale rocks to release natural gases inside. Many people are referring to fracking as an energy revolution that will last America at least 100 years. What they don’t know is that at the rate we are going, it wont last us 40, and the effects that it has on the environment will make earth’s lifespan shorter too. We need to stop hydraulic fracturing because it is wasteful, harms water reservoirs, and is hazardous to people and the environment. North America has never been one to boast of rich oil reserves, but we have an abundant amount of natural gases. Until recently these natural resources have been unobtainable and untapped. But thanks to technological advancements, we are now able to exploit these rich gas reserves. Hydraulic fracturing has revolutionized the production of energy in the United States as well as other places in the world. In 2011, shale gas made up 25% of American gas supply. We depend on these natural resources to fuel our everyday lives. Without them, what would we use for water heating, cooking, or anything else that relies

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