
Hurricanes : Causes And Effects Of Natural Disasters

Decent Essays

Hurricanes, Earthquakes, and Forest fires are causing maximal damage to the planet we live in. They are destroying homes, cities, and families. As people that love this planet, we should know more about our earth and how natural disasters affect us. In the World, Hurricanes have been a big problem lately and you should care because we need to be aware of what is happening around us and how they are affecting the people we love.
Lately, there have been many reports and articles in the New York Times about hurricanes and we should be aware of them because we need to be aware of what is happening around us and how it affects the people living in Texas, Florida, and Puerto Rico. As people that live on a planet with many natural disasters, we should constantly be aware them, even if they do not pertain to us specifically. New York Times has been keeping us updated on the natural disasters of the world today. There are forest fires, earthquakes in Mexico, and of course the Hurricanes. As you know the hurricanes do not affect us, but earthquakes and forest fires do. We know what it is like to have damage done to our home and our personal items. Now think about how people that are losing family and friends feel. These hurricanes have different effects on each area that they hit. According to the New York Times, “Hurricane Maria wiped out about 80 percent” of the islands crops and agricultural industry. So now they are saying Puerto Rico will be without food. Puerto Rico’s entire Island had no power. In Texas, homes were destroyed and people lost their families and friends. Around sixty people have died and some areas were flooded over four feet. In Florida, more than fifty people did not survive the storm. Houses in all of the areas were severely damaged. These hurricanes hit badly in Texas, Puerto Rico, and Florida. These stories from the New York Times connect to all of us, no matter where you live
It is a great thing to be aware of the hurricanes that are presented in the New York Times as well as knowing about them because we have loved ones living in Puerto Rico and Texas. As we were just in Puerto Rico, enjoying hikes, food, and family homes, we should be sad to know that it is all gone. As said previously the

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