
Hurricane Sandy: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Dating back to 1974 the state of New Jersey experienced over ten declared emergencies in regard to flooding alone, not be overshadowed by the overall declared emergencies which stand at over twenty in the last sixty years. New Jersey experiences, hurricanes, floods, terrorist attacks, and natural disasters regularly. Over a course of the year New Jersey has worked diligently to create a more resilient state against both natural disaster, and man-made threats. October 29,2012 New Jersey was authorized by president Obama as a declared emergency in results to Hurricane Sandy also known as Super Storm, Sandy. After being declared this warranted federal aid and supports under this release. FEMA is authorized to provide appropriate assistance for …show more content…

Reliable and accessible communication and information technology is irreplaceable tools of communications to the community (The associated Press and NORC,2013). The importance of social, medical presence became evident during the time of Super storm, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram were all utilized during the disaster to communicate with victims, families, responders and share the ever changing events. Social media presence encourages community involvement, with the accessibility, recently updated status, and current developing actions. For example, the New York of Emergency Management provided hourly updates and evacuation orders via twitter and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie relayed updates about the storm and aid and evacuation orders via his personal twitter …show more content…

As a result, 54 percent living in affected regions reported issues with cellular service. Cell phone shortages delay communications, making it difficult to exchange information. In addition, it disrupts the normal functions of a community causing panic and distress. Hurricane Sandy was identified as a marked shift in the use of social media in disasters(Cohen,3013). Sandy initiated a forceful execution within the government agencies throughout the Northeast. It was social media that allowed communication with the public and response partners, share information, maintain awareness of community actions and needs. NYC Digital, a part of Media and Entertainment monitors social media for public reactions to pending news. Theses notifications, send reports to City Hall on a daily basis(Cohen,2013). FEMA published a Sandy-Specific page in in addition to the twitter and Facebook page to encourage the disbursement of

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