
Hurricane Katrina And Its Impact

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Introduction Hurricane Katrina is a historical storm that hit the United States on August 29, 2005. The country experienced the storm exactly four years after the occurrence of the terrorist attack on 9/11/2001. This was three years after the establishment of a crucial department of Homeland Security. However, regardless of the intensified concentration to homeland security, response to Hurricane Katrina was a huge failure. The unfortunate response was due to lack of adequate planning and ability to take care of the risks. The possibility of New Orleans experiencing the effects of Hurricane had been put into consideration for quite a long time. There were enough warning signs of the hurricane. Declarations and deliberations were made days before the landfall. However, responders did not transfigure this information into the extent of preparedness suitable with the range of the imminent disaster.
Overview and impact of Hurricane Katrina and its impacts Hurricane Katrina was the biggest natural calamity in the United States that led to immense loses. The storm affected 92, 000 square miles and damaged much of the major city. More 18, 000 individuals died and thousands became homeless, with no access to basic supplies. The disaster evolved into a sequence of linked series, with two primary causes. The basic cause was the storm itself, but no less significant was the breakdown of the artificial levees intended to safeguard a city constructed below the sea-level. These

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