Hunter gatherer and agriculturalist societies have many similarities and differences. Population of hunter and gatherer groups have decreased. Neither one of them didn't have much technology at the beginning. They started off using sticks and stones. Hunter gatherers were pretty healthy. Agriculturalist were not as healthy as hunter gatherers. They had some health problems.
Agriculturalists population grew bigger and bigger. They had large families and had many children. Hunter gatherers population was small and mobile. They didn't have much children. Hunter gatherers had a low child - adult ratio. Agriculturalists has a large child - adult ratio.
Agriculturalists had a less diverse and a less healthy diet. They had health problems. Hunter
Compare and contrast life in foraging societies with life in agricultural societies after the Agricultural Revolution
It also takes more additional hours of food preparation to make it is suitable for consumption. It appears that hunter-gatherers have more leisure time than farmers. On the other hand, an agricultural system absorbs more labor and increased workload per capita.
Hunter-gatherers were fine without agriculture, and they lived many years without it. Agriculture may have provided a more effective way of more food, but along with it brought non-nutrient diets, social inequality, and the risk of disease spreading easier because the population is
The first reason of why agriculture is a better way of life, is because according to document 1 farmers were less violent. Hunters and gatherers on the other hand were in constant state of tribal warfare. This resulted in 25-30% of adult males dying from homicide. Warfare was necessary to keep population density low. This was due to the fact that a certain place only had so much food to support one person. Farmers on the other hand could use a small piece of land and plant crops that could support many people. They do not have to fight over food therefore less war and violence.
Many of the farmers were less healthy than the hunter-gatherers, the farmers even died, on average, earlier than the hunter-gatherers. Many of the farmers had more serious diseases than the hunter-gatherers did too. Some people, including the northeastern Australian people even saw their neighbors practicing domestication and farming but did not take up what their neighbors did because they preferred the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Some hunter-gatherers did, in a way, produce food. For example some Australians burned the land they hunted on to encourage new seeds to grow so they could eat them. A reason why the hunter-gather way of living got less popular is simply because over the years less wild food was available. Over the past 13,000 years the amount of animals and edible plants has got less prevalent. The reason why many people still believe that food production was better than hunting and gathering is because food production led to more people and more technological advancements like guns and
Pastoral societies differed from their agricultural because pastoral societies supported less people, since they had generally less productive economies, and the lived in scattered areas. They also generally offered women higher status, fewer restrictions, and a greater role in public life because they were needed, since people did not tend to specialize in things. Pastoral societies were also far more mobile, whereas in agricultural societies, people would have large populations because of their environment and their ability to grow food. They also lived in one area, and had had people who specialized in different things which brought down the status of women.
Agricultural societies allow for a greater population density, than hunter-gatherer societies. With a greater population of people, not everyone has to farm; therefore people can ‘specialize’ in other areas such as political organization. Also, people can focus on gun, steels, and ships other than just
The main difference between these two societies is that the herders hunted and gathered their food instead
The first beginning we had hunter and gatherers, and that became something that everybody started doing. People would use resources around them, and they would not stay in permanent settlements. Than a new life began and it was called Emergence of Agriculture. People know started having permanent settlements, the population has became bigger, and their health might be becoming shaky. These changes might have been better or worse.
Hunter-Gatherers and Agriculturalists are shown to be similar. Yet there are many differences between the two groups. Some examples are population, food sources, leisure and many others. If someone actually look at these two groups and their customs side-by-side, they would see that they aren’t as alike as they would think.
All the mass agricultural “advancements” were only solutions to the problems agriculture rose in the first place, such as: equality and social classes, human health, and disease. Human health is one of the reasons why agriculture hurt early humans.
The social and economic structures of early foraging societies are quite different from that of later agricultural societies. However, both societies share more similarities than one might think. Typically, all Paleolithic peoples were equal, but there were sometimes members that became more respected as a result of being courageous, skilled at hunting, etc. During the Neolithic Age, social divisions became more defined due to specialized labor and accumulated wealth. Foraging societies relied on loose cooperation to hunt big game for the community. Neolithic peoples were more advanced and had a specific order within their permanent settlements. Creativity in both societies was very clear. Foragers created bone sewing needles, figurines, and
Before farming, a large percentage of the population was forced to produce food. For this reason, specialization did not occur en masse until after the widespread adoption of agriculture. (Hillel, 1992) Some have also hypothesized that the introduction of agriculture created a divide between men and women. There is evidence that suggests that many early hunting and gathering societies tended to be egalitarian.
In 10,000 B.C Paleolithic hunters made a gradual change from being hunters to becoming farmers. The Paleolithic era was an era of hunting whereas the Neolithic era was an era of farming. Both of the eras had proficient, but different ways of surviving. There are contrasting views on which era was more successful. The Paleolithic era was more successful than the Neolithic era because the Neolithic era led to diseases, wars and rigid class structures.
Agriculture is one of the key factors that shape your everyday life. Your time, money, nutrition, and life is dependent on agriculture. Food can be gathered by either hunting for it or producing it, however, which method is healthier for human civilization? Some people believe that producing foods and domesticating animals (agriculture in Neolithic Revolution) is more beneficial to humans. However, the reasonings for which hunting and gathering is healthier overall are abundant. Hunting and gathering (way of getting food in the Paleolithic Era) supplies a better and more varied amount of nutrients, less vulnerability to famine and disease, and good leisure time with less work.