
Hunger Games: Experiencing Emotional Conflict

Decent Essays

Conflict has the power to change lives, this can happen through experiencing emotional and social conflict. They can have the effect of changing relationships and getting a better understanding of the person. The individuals thoughts and feelings can be affected by conflict and change the way in which they feel about certain things, it can help them find their inner self and build stronger relationships. Conflict can have a positive impact and make an individual stronger from their experience.

Experiencing emotional conflict can strengthen an individuals emotional and inner self, helping them to cope with difficult situations. This is seen in the hunger games as Katniss's father's death strengthens her ability to cope with emotional conflict and overcoming obstacles in the arena. 'My father was blown to bits in a mine explosion.' the emotive language and imagery in this quote gives the reader a clear image of her father's death, detail was used to emphasise what she has to cope with. This shows how she has moved on from his death, which has made her stronger and as a result of her experience she has developed resilience and mental toughness …show more content…

This is shown in the hunger games when Katniss and Rue become allies. They trust each other and their chances of winning become more realistic. 'Rue has decided to trust me wholeheartedly. I know this because as soon as we stop talking, she snuggles up against me and falls asleep.' Emotive language is used to highlight the formation of a new relationship, this affects the reader in a sympathetic way as Katniss's relationship with Rue is similar to hers with Prim. This heartfelt relationship shows how two characters can turn from enemies to allies by the formation of trust, this has the power to change lives as it can determine if someone survives another

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