
Humorous Wedding Speech In High School

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I payed a freshman to write mine last night, so I hope it turned out really cool.

Warning the following presentation is available courtesy of ten-years of simco county District school board education system. And any ideas or themes are not subject to further explanation, ear plugs are encouraged but not required, and any children left unattended will be confiscated and sold to

Good evening and congratulations to the NCPS class of 2017. I would like to say thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak, I'm 100% sure you will regret it.

Now I would be remissed if I addressed the class of 2017 without remembering a classmate who is no longer with us Ayla Lundy who was a great friend to everyone, and was always willing to help other, took with her a smile that was able to brighten up anyone's day. I would hope that …show more content…

C. P. S. for giving us each a piece of something to take with us into high school.

Now I'm sure you're expecting a young, smart, charming individual like me to give a sappy like speech about following your dreams and reaching for the stars, but let's be real we all know Aiden H would take care of that for me. Here it goes I will make it quick because we all know that JD is dying to raise his hand and ask loads of irrelevant questions simply to annoy the audience.

We are all guilty of counting down the days but now as you look to the people on your left and your right, you realize maybe this wasn't so bad.

It's crazy to look out at all of you knowing very well this maybe the last time I do. You have all grown up so much and as time dragged on slowly we started to become our own person. People fine themselves in school. Brady realized that his homework is better off at school rather than left at grandmas. And Sarah who I never heard talk until this year finally found her voice and now we can't get her to be quiet. But these changes are for the good really they are for the

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