Good Morning Everyone , . I hope you have had a wonderful week . I have a fantastic Friday announcement . JEAN WEEK - ALL WEEK . yes , I said it . (Thank you Monica !!) Casual jean wears / wore for the ENTIRE WEEK of Sept . 18-Sept . 22 for just $10 . I will send out purple casual about a cause stickers to wear (like the picture below ) for each office . This way our customers will know why we are so comfortable with work hours . Please be sure to wear work appropriate jeans that follows / followed our company policies . If you feel so inclined you can wear purple as well but that is not a requirement . Enjoy your weekend and prepare for a week in your favorite Levi's to help insure an end to Alzheimers in our future . Tina , if you wouldn't
Ladies, Gentlemen good morning to you all. I am here today to speak to you on behalf of tennis Australia and in essence the rest of the globe in terms of Tennis. My question to you is, why are women denied the chance to perform and exhibit there elite talents their ultimate mettle in 5 sets of tennis like the men’s game. Why fans are denied the pleasure of seeing this is to be questioned? Why aren’t women able to play 5 sets?
“Good. I’m sending you an email. Look it over and email me any questions. Congratulations again, William. I’m proud of you.”
With the hectic life that each of us lives, it’s no wonder that many families have put aside the importance of making time for family. It’s far too easy to get caught up in life and neglect the ones we love the most. Think about why you created the family in the first place, you wanted to have a happy little home with the sounds of children’s laughter surrounding you. Both you and your spouse desired to create an actual family, maybe one that you didn’t have when you were growing up.
My fellow classmates, family, friends, and falculty thank you for being here today as we close a chapter of our lives here at Brazos Christian. First and foremost, I would like to give all the glory and honor today to the Lord because without him our high school experience would have been a lot different. There is a particular person that I would like to thank that is going to seem odd and her name is Rebecca Doncov. Many of you are aware of why I am thanking her, but others are not. As a 7th grader, Rebecca decided to bet me that I could not make all A+s in high school, so I did. The consequence of this is that I now have to give a speech in front of all of you. I am not the most eloquent of speakers, nor do I always please people with my opinion, so
Good morning Aphrodite. I may not have much to say, and I'm sorry for that, but the stuff I do have to say.. I hope it'll make you smile.
Today when you get up in the morning you find that your body has been replaced with A GLITTERING IRIDESCENT MECHA SUIT ENCRUSTED WITH EVERY NICE MESSAGE YOU'VE EVER BEEN SENT.
And thank you all so much! I am so appreciative of the support and welcoming I have felt, making this process less anxiety provoking.
Marriage is a once in a lifetime event and you should feel extremely blessed and happy to experience one. It is a day filled with so much joy, love, light & happiness and the special part of this all is that you get to share all these with your beloved ones. Isn't that wonderful?
I do remember Mr. Wilfredo Ramirez, he stayed with us for four nights and he was in room 101, and 343. He was giving rate for $35.99 because when he arrived he gave us story of his life how he lost his valet but he needed a place to stay and such, During his stay he literally robed another guest who was in room 106 Mr. Franko Rizza (who is still guest of ours) for $500.00 in cash as well as iPhone and an I pad.
b- Good evening ladies and gentlemen, children us at kontiki…… welcome you to the 5th annual kontiki multicultural fashion runway. I am Stefan and this is my co-host Sashi for this evening.
Thanks for the visit this morning ladies. Anita, I just wanted to ensure you know exactly what I am taking on here so there is no confusion. Barb, Val & I spoke this morning as well.
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. First I would like to thank the presence of all. Here we are today, honored to celebrate with you the end of high school and the beginning of a new stage, the college.
Please donate to help us unite the world and share this message around the globe. Together, we will lead the world into a new future.
If I should have a son, he will refer to me as "Queen," because all women are to be treated like that. And I am going to write every "nice" word on the backs of his hands so he remembers what to say to those girls in his first grade class who are chasing him around the play ground. And he will learn to not even look at his hands to talk to a girl. So the first time he actually start liking a girl in middle school, he will never mess up or say the wrong thing or hurt her. Because his mother taught him those things. Trust me. "And, baby," I'll tell him, I've been your Queen and now she is your Princess. And that little girl will love you for that. She will wonder why you call her that. You just tell her I call you that because that’s the way
"Only bare until I've decided if I should ask for your help in selecting the ring, or assume that responsibility myself and hope you don't hate my choice," Richard grinned. The fact they were now ensconced in the taxi further soothing his mind with each mile they it put between them and the airport. With her head pressed to her chest and his lips brushing her soft, silky hair, the man's heart swelled with adoration. "I still intend to propose you properly, and you'll have no idea when or how, and won't see it coming."