I just wanted to inform you that one of the nurses; Joyce LPN was very rude, load, and disrespectful to me in two different occasions. I will appreciate your appropriate notification to her in order to stop disruptions in the work environment. I accepted to work for Patricia Gardner for 3 nights 8/1, 8/2, 8/3 at 2nd floor. I was also scheduled to work 8/2 on 7-3 shift. On my Birthday night August 1st I accepted to come to work in the 2nd floor, I planned to share my Bd with my coworkers. Earlier I talked to Elvia and she said Joyce wanted to work in the 2nd floor and I told Elvia I don’t want to switch. I would like to stay in the floor that I was scheduled. When I came to work I went directly to the 1st floor. Around 12:30 to 1 am I was doing midnight census, I did it for the 1st floor and just double checked the 2nd floor to see if Joyce can do the census or she want me to show her how to do it or she want me to help her and do it. Unfortunately when I called her she was so rude and misunderstood, she said I did the census. I told her you did not do your census. I told her you can come down I am in …show more content…
You have to do it. Supervisors do the census. She yelling at me I don’t do it and I don’t even want to know
May 13, 2016, I forgot my badge and I called her cell phone, and asked if she could open the door for me. Sherri came and open the door, asked me what is it I want to do after school. I was like I am not sure, Hennepin County will have an influx in jobs, due people retiring, Sherri’s comment to me was that there is no “room for you to grow” in MHP and that you should look for work elsewhere. And that she (Sherri) asked if I “lied in my job application” with regard to how much you were making before you came to MHP. Initally, I was on another call, Sherri was not aware my bluetooh was connected to my phone and the person on the call heard the entie converation.
I informed her that I am going to mail her the Customer Service/Privacy Complaint or Report of Discrimination for and will staff with my co-worker her
My name is Jorge and I will be helping you out with your meeting since Ashley is going to be out of the office. I was not able to confirm a time for the meeting so if you do not mind can you please let me know what time it was scheduled for and I will be there. Looking forward to hear from you.
I think that it is great that you would like to have a career where you can empower people. I just want to tell you to do what you love.
I, Cheryl Boles was hired in June of 2007 under HM Yolanda Barfield. For the eight years that I have been working for this company I know my job description and what is expected of me. My work ethics speaks for itself. I haven’t had a complaint about my work performance in the eight years that I have been working here. I take initiative to do more than what is expected of me. I am strictly by the book when it comes to my job duties and the clients. I work every day that is scheduled for me to come in and I also come in to cover other shifts when asked. On the night of questioning, May 25, 2016, I Cheryl Boles arrived to work at promptly 9:30 p.m. I did my walk through as soon as I arrived. I proceeded with folding the laundry and cleaning the laundry room (swept & mopped). Meds got counted all floors swept and mopped, furniture got dusted, kitchen was cleaned, lunches and dinner was prepared for the clients at 4:00 a.m. As normal, bed checks were done every two hours (9:30pm, 11:30pm PM med was passed at 11:30pm as well, 1:30am and 3:30am) and again at
Hello it is truly an honor to be here in front of you all today
On November 12th 2016 around 21:00, at the nurse station, I was approached by my Charge nurse Rosario Laino, as known as Rosa. She told me: “What are you doing? I check the medications you need to pass and I will help you because there will be no overtime!” I explains that I started to pass the medications for room 4119 and was on my way to changing the tubes of room 4101 which needed new TPN and Lipids infusions. After 15 minutes attending to the patient needs in room 4101, Rosa came and yield: “What are you still doing in the room, you need to finish to pass your medications and your TPN in room 19 is completed! Huh!” I replied that I will go right away.
On June 23, at 1305 hrs. I met with Union Stewart, Jesse Cole and employee Steven Johnson (who goes by Stephanie). I advised both Cole and Johnson that I was not conducting a Criminal Investigation. I had received a complaint in writing concerning Johnson peering into the stall in female bathroom 1L109. Further, I needed to get her side of the story. I asked Johnson if she remembered entering the bathroom 1L109 on June 19, 2017 at 1230 hrs. Cole at this point requested to see the report of contact from Raina Alejos. After they reviewed the report of contact I continued my questions with Johnson. Johnson stated she typically uses the first stall. She noticed a that the first stall was being used and entered the second stall. She denied peering into the stall. I asked her why she used that bathroom when there are three bathrooms closer to her work station in the Call center. Johnson explained that is the bathroom she started using in March of this year is comfortable in use the bathroom.
During my second year as a registered nurse, I have relocated to a new town and applied for a position in a small clinic. Three months after I was hired, another staff named Ms. D was hired. She was an LPN who recently graduated from a vocational training school. Since I was hired before Ms. D was, my supervisor asked me to assist with her orientation. After two weeks of orientation, Ms. D was ready to work without an assistance. Because our work hours were did not overlap often, I did not work with Ms. D during most days.
At 8 am, I started shadowing Mrs. Lynne Senia. She is a bookkeeper in the treasurer’s office. Her “training” for the job consisted of learning how to do “10-key” and passing a Civil Service Test. She has to balance the checking account, put in imports, and help people pay their taxes on time. At around 9 am, I started shadowing Mrs. Julie Weekly, my mom, who is also a bookkeeper in the treasurer’s office. She also needed to pass a Civil Service Test and she said that she just needed cashiering experience. My mother does utility billing, answers the phone, register, and business property tax.
“Remember that all things are lawful to me” (Tranquillus). These words by Gaius Caesar Germanicus, more commonly known as Caligula, epitomize the corruption caused by absolute power. Under his rule, the Roman treasury was emptied, people suffered from seemingly random acts of brutality, and Rome was ruled by an emperor who thought of himself as a god. Similarly, in the novel Animal Farm, the Manor Farm is taken over by its four-legged inhabitants. Their equal government is soon taken over by a power-hungry leader, a young boar named Napoleon.
The second resident was Ms. Sister; she was in room no. 226A. I had an opportunity to provide a lunch for Ms. Sister; she was very nice and friendly. She ate 45 % of her meal, but she enjoyed eating fruit, ice cream, and milk. Sometimes, she stopped eating; I assisted her getting her cold water or grabbing utensils on the table. I noticed that she always said “thank you” to me, and tried to talk something. I noticed that she was a smile and her face looked happy. I felt happy too. After finishing lunch, I brought her back to her room, and Dat used a full sling mechanical lift to move Ms. Sister back on her bed and changed completed continence brief. Ms. Sister watched her TV and took a nap later. Then, I checked the call right that it was right next to Ms. Sister before I left her room. My second day of clinical practical learned many things from residents, such as noticed personal food preference, gave the person time to eat, reminded residents to chew and swallow carefully, made a bed ( a closed
If anyone would like to order a red polo shirt with the V.A logo on it from canteen service, please send me an email with your shirt size. Shirt prices should be around $14.00. Once I send the shirt size and quantity forward they will get back with me on the deadline that the money will be due along with final cost. As some of you may know Nurses Week is May 6th -12th . My goal is to have the shirts next month so our wonderful nurses staff can wear them on a pacific one day that week. To meet that goal canteen service is willing to work with us to push the order. Please send your response no later than lunch tomorrow (Friday).
At 7:00 am I went to the Veterans Affairs office to speak with Mr. Kelley. Nevertheless the doors were locked until 8:00 am. Next, I went upstairs to the 6th floor to speak to Professor Black but she was unavailable or did not arrive yet. I then went back down stairs and seen Mr. Kelley at 8:00 am told him what happen and then I returned to the sixth floor not knowing if I was going to get frustrated
One of the first things I checked when I woke yesterday was who won the popular vote. I suspected that it would be Hilary, and I was right. I refused to believe US citizens had become so backward. [?]