
Humanism In Thomas More's Utopia

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The Renaissance Effect on Humanism in More’s Utopia Fiction is, and has always been a mirror for the real life. Therefore, literature, as the artistic tool used to deliver works of fiction, has been parallel to history from past to present. As the ideas evolved, the cultures evolved, and as the cultures evolved, literature evolved. However, there have been times when this evolution had help. In its core, this is what happened in the Renaissance era. As people rediscovered the ideas and cultures of the past civilisations, Middle Ages, in which the evolution of thinking was going backwards, came to an end with a leap in thinking style. People realised they have been stuck at one point because of twisted religion and blind violence between people, and learned to look through individual glasses. These new individual glasses gave huge importance to human, rather than vast kingdoms and large groups, and focused on the core. They moved on from their one-sided viewpoint in life, which was giving the ultimate importance to the afterlife, and gave themselves to discovering …show more content…

Since the events are not real, events being exchanged dialogues, it can be accepted as a work of fiction. However, it was not simply written to please readers, but also to give a sneak peek of Thomas More’s actual ideas on the world order. The description of this place called “Utopia” carries a great amount of different concepts for the readers of the time. While the readers might be acquainted with Plato’s Republic as the probable inspiration of Utopia, much like the 2000s people being acquainted with later works such as 1984, the concept was still not common at the time. The idea that this isolated island country could really exist would be absurd, but it was still interesting and different. Furthermore, that’s exactly what More hides his satirical ideas

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