
Human Trafficking In Sub Saharan Africa

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The trafficking of people is a simmering problem in Sub-Saharan Africa, UNODC (as cited in Observer Jamaica, 2016) reported that between 2012 and 2014 Sub-Saharan Africa constituted sixty-two percent of the world’s child trafficking and 69 countries from the region detected traffic victims. particularly, areas such as South Africa, Zambia, Malawi, Lesotho, and Togo; these areas being the destination for regional and extra-regional trafficking activities. Human trafficking is the dark side of migration, where people are illegally transported from one area to another for the purpose of forced labor and sexual exploitation. Consequently, victims are often time affected physically and psychologically “the consequence on individuals is clearly destructive and unacceptable” (UNODC, 2008). …show more content…

Furthermore, children’s vulnerability to manipulation exposes them to the same harmful treatments as adults that may cause children to display extreme aggression and violence. Additionally, the trauma experienced by trafficked victims causes alienation, knowing that trauma is relived way beyond the end of any trafficked exploitation, a reason is that third parties find it difficult to understand what happened to the victims, therefore victims are at times rejected by family and their community. In sub- Saharan African, trafficking has an impact on all areas of the lives of the individuals it victimizes (Adepoju, 2005). Human trafficking oftentimes results in individuals contracting HIV/AIDS, exhibiting violent behaviors and experiencing social

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