
Human Side Of A Devil

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Question 1: Humans have a pattern of taking the path of least resistance to get the most pleasurable experience. This pattern makes is easy for temptation to lead people away from what is best for them with the illusion that they will derive pleasure or gain something from the immediate decision. We also have the constant stream of distractions in our “real life” and altered emotions that prevent us from thinking much about our decisions. In an age where you could spend hours on a cell phone playing games or on twitter without even noticing the world around you, this is especially important to overcome. However, even Screwtape admits that once a person is through the disappointment of the human side of the church, we “become much less …show more content…

In reality, only god can give us these virtues. Also, this opposition appears in chapter 16 where Screwtape recommends the patient should go to different churches for the experience of the people in the church instead of focusing on God. Question 2: The part Screwtape cannot understand is that God desires for us to be completely united with Him while maintaining our free will. He even admits that this is true and not “propaganda.” Why does God’s desire confuse Screwtape so much? The answer to Screwtape’s confusion lies within the differences between God’s plan and the Devil’s version of the plan. The plot of the book is the young tempter Wormwood trying to turn his “patient” away from God and towards Satan. Satan demands worship out of hate for God and love of himself above all other living beings. He left Heaven because he had his own ideas of what was right and wrong and wanted to be like God. On page 121, Screwtape even revealed that Satan doesn’t worship anything but himself. Satan doesn’t care about how others feel: he can only see how it feels good for him. Unfortunately for Satan, he needs to completely take over our lives in order to get worship. On the other hand, God does good things for others. He is the universal definition of good and gives us whatever we need out of love. While Satan makes promises and tries to influence our judgements, he can’t actually provide anything for us. When humans see the truth from God,

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