
Human Services Ethical Dilemmas

Decent Essays

There are many key ethical and cultural considerations that should be unfailingly addressed by those working in a hospital or other healthcare setting. It’s vital that human services professionals understand and carry out their responsibilities in a manner consistent with the ethical obligations and accepted standards that govern their profession (Corey, Corey, Corey, & Callahan, 2015) For example, The National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) has established a set of ethical standards that provide many guiding principles which include, protecting a client’s right to privacy, confidentiality and its limitations, informed consent, duty to warn, and ensuring that the values or biases of the professional are not imposed on their clients. These are just a few of the key standards a professional should meet to fulfill the responsibilities they have to a client (NOHS, 2015). Ethical dilemmas occur frequently, and handling them effectively requires having awareness, sensitivity, and cultural competency. These considerations are important because failing to abide by them can result in legal ramifications, harm to the client, and potential …show more content…

Human service professionals should keep up to date in their area of practice through reading and continuing education opportunities. Professionals should engage in regular consultation with other colleagues and careful monitoring by supervisors. Human Service agencies should make a policy of conducting regular internal audits and rigorous program evaluations which ensure that ethical and legal policies are being met. In addition, professionals should be obeying mandatory reporting laws, practicing within their scope of practice, respecting a client’s autonomy, and diligently documenting their sessions and interactions with their clients always (Smith,

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