
Human Rights Violations

Decent Essays

Many people don’t have the privilege of living a life where they can take advantage of their human rights and feel secure. All around the world human rights violation occur on a daily basis and many people aren't aware of the struggles other people in other countries go through or people disregard these violations. In the Central African Republic, women and girls are used as sexual slaves, are being raped and beaten as a weapon of war between the Seleka and anti-balaka. Another instance of, human rights violation is that in Egypt many people are being imprisoned for supporting and or being part of the Lgbt campaign. In these two countries, human rights are being neglected and people aren’t treated and disregarded as humans.
In the Central African Republic, women and girls between the ages of 10 and 75 are being raped, kidnapped, and used as sexual slaves as a tactic of war by the Muslim Seleka and the Christian and animist militia called anti-balaka from early 2013 to mid-2017. According to the article “They said we are their Slaves” by Smita Sharma it discusses that in some cases of sexual slavery the Seleka or anti-Balaka committed sexual violence and exerted ownership over victims, women or girls who experienced multiple rapes over a period of weeks. 17 women and 4 girls say that they experienced violence by an armed group that included capturing women, beating them and other physical abuse. All these cases happened in the capital, Bangui, and around the towns of

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