
Human Resource Summary : Why Human Resources Is Important

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Why Human Resources Is Important
In the world of business, human resources play a huge role in organizations that impact the company’s employees and the employers. The contents of the department are to do job analysis and design, HR planning, legal requirements and manage diversity, recruitment, selection, orientation, training, and development, performance management, compensation, employee benefits and services, health and safety at the workplace, etc. Are all important factors when managing human resources which is why Human Resources is important, and why I do not agree with Keith H. Hammonds point of view on “Why we hate HR”. There a few points that he discussed that I do agree with for, example “Is the business effective and successful?” “Who does the company’s vice president of human resources report to?” and “Point of view about the future and how organizations are going to change.” Are just a few examples but overall I do not agree with why 1“HR people aren’t the sharpest tacks in the box”, 2“HR pursues efficiency in lieu of value”, 3“HR isn’t working for you”, and 4“The corner office doesn’t get HR (and vice versa)”. There are so many responsibilities that human resources do to ensure the company’s best interests in the organization and with its employees. To conduct that operations are running smoothly and effectively. For all these reasons, this is why I disagree with Keith H. Hammonds.
When hiring the right people for the right positions human resources comes

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