
Human Impact On My Ecological Footprint Calculator

Satisfactory Essays

An ecological footprint calculator determines how much land area it takes to support the lifestyle of each individual on planet Earth. Ecological footprint calculators give individuals the opportunity to discover their major areas of resource consumption and to find out what pursuable measures are needed to utilize fewer resources. At the end of the quiz, the calculator reveals how many planet Earths it takes to support the lifestyle of each individual. An individual does not realize the excessive utilization of resources because a necessary supply is constantly available. Fortunately, human influence can have a positive impact on the planet because environmental awareness improves the health of the ecosystem and preserves each species. Thus, …show more content…

The overall calculation of my ecological footprint before following a few scenarios to lower the score was 4.2 planet Earths to provide enough resources to support my lifestyle. My ecological footprint calculation was definitely a major surprise because I utilize more than enough resources that requires over four planets to provide for me. Recycling, turning off electronics when leaving a room, and using public transportation are my common procedures of ecological awareness, but are not a sufficient amount to change my ecological footprint calculation. The top economic sector impacting my ecological footprint was services, and the lowest was shelter. Forgetting to turn off the lights when I leave a room in the house is a habit that has a huge impact on services being the top economic sector of my ecological footprint. Another habit that influences the score and the top economic sector of my ecological footprint is keeping the water running while brushing my teeth. Therefore, remembering to turn the lights and the water off could lower the amount of services that I utilize

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